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Legal Forms

Throughout the legal process, there are several forms you may need. We make it easy for you to access them. All you need to do is click on one of the links below and download it to your computer. 

Please click on the form’s name below to access and download the form:

If you have any questions, or if you would like to discuss your case with a member of our firm, call (732) 440-3089 now.

Reviews & Testimonials

*Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.
  • I want to thank you for all of your help settling my case seamlessly and promptly with an unexpected, and speechless outcome. I'm still in a bit of shock and I'm still processing it all. After my case bounced from associate to associate, I had...
    - G.K.
  • Celine took what I thought would be a stressful situation and turned it into a wonderfully positive experience for me and for my family. Her passion for her job, and her compassion towards her clients, is without limit. She is a fighter.

    - P.G.
  • I recently had the pleasure of working with the remarkable attorneys, Celine and Richard, at Levinson Axelrod, and I cannot recommend them highly enough! Thank you for your exceptional work and for going above and beyond to secure justice for your clien

    - P.T.
  • "Thank you and your team for fighting so hard for me."

    Thank you for your quick response and for the information. Most importantly, thank you and your team for fighting so hard for me. I am grateful to have had such a caring and diligent team representing me throughout this ordeal.

    - M.F.

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      At Levinson Axelrod We Never Settle For Less, and Neither Should You Contact Us Today to Speak Directly to an Attorney