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Result: Todd Wachtel Recovers $250K for Worker with Electric Shock Injuries

$250k Settlement

Todd Wachtel, a Levinson Axelrod, P.A. Partner from our Raritan office, recently secured a six-figure workers’ compensation settlement for a client who suffered electric shock injuries on the job.

According to court records, Todd’s client had been working for a pet store when he sustained electric shock injuries in the course of his employment. His resulting neurologic injuries were significant and permanent and included severe headaches and photophobia, which prevented him from working.

While the case went to trial in the Divion of Workers’ Compensation, Todd was able to negotiate a settlement with the workers’ compensation insurer following testimony totaling $250,000.

This recovery underscores the difficulty of head and brain injury cases in the Division of Workers’ Compensation, which requires objective proof of injuries and lasting damages. By their nature, however, brain injuries are unpredictable and difficult to objectively evaluate, which is why these cases typically rely on injured workers’ subjective complaints.

Todd D. Wachtel is a NJ Supreme Court Certified Workers’ Compensation Attorney and former Deputy Attorney General who represented the State of New Jersey in Workers’ Compensation proceedings. In his work fighting for claimants, Todd has leveraged his unique insight to help workers and families recover millions in benefits and compensation following work-related injuries and illnesses. Earlier this year, Todd was inducted as a Fellow in the College Of Workers’ Compensation Lawyers and elected to the State Bar’s Executive Committee of the Workers’ Compensation Section, where he assists in reviewing issues and proposed laws critical to the practice of Workers’ Compensation in New Jersey.

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