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Are Construction Sites Inspected?


Construction sites require inspections to ensure that safety codes and regulations are met. These inspections are the most effective ways in which to identify and prevent dangerous risks and protect the workers. The multiple moving parts on a construction site require special care and attention. The New Jersey Administrative Code establishes certain guidelines construction zones and project owners must follow. One of the primary methods to make sure construction sites are safe is through inspections.

In New Jersey, building owners and construction managers must acquire a construction permit. NJAC § 5:23-2.14 requires construction sites to have an “annual permit.” Any building that is constructed, enlarged, renovated, or altered needs to have an associated permit. The permit institutes guidelines for building and fire protection, electrical safety, and plumbing protocols.

Construction sites must keep a logged account of site activities that are subject to quarterly inspections. In addition, sites must have preliminary inspections, inspections during the construction, and a final inspection after the project is complete. Inspections should occur at least twice a year, with no more than six months’ time between the examinations.

Before a construction company begins building, the owner or manager must alert the enforcing agency of construction at least 24 hours before beginning work. The preliminary inspection should be conducted within 3 days of the time that it was requested.

§ 5:23-2.18 requires examination of the following:

i. The bottom of footing trenches before placement of footings;
ii. Foundations and all walls up to grade level prior to covering or back filling;
iii. Utility services, including septic;

Midpoint inspections should include an examination of building, electrical, and plumbing subcodes. Upon completion, the construction site requires a final inspection to verify that the building or structure is up to code.

In addition to the codes, NJ construction must also comply with the safety standards set forth by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. The Federal organization establishes set regulations to help protect construction workers from injuries caused by negligence or inaction. It is the obligation of not only the employer but also the General Contractor and all subcontractors to comply with those safety requirements. At Levinson Axelrod, we often see disregard of those standards which directly leads to the workers' injuries.

Construction sites require constant supervision and vigilance in order to ensure safety. If a company or owner fails to acquire appropriate permits or adhere to OSHA standards, they endanger their employees. If you were injured on a construction site because your employer failed to follow code, you may be able to seek compensation. Contact our New Jersey construction accident attorneys today to schedule a free consultation.

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